Mason County, Illinois ILGenWeb


Submitted by Pam Ross

20th Century Atlas of Mason County, Illinois, published 1903
Page 78

JOHN MCCARTY, Retired Farmer, Mason City, was born in Clark Co., Ohio, April 19, 1836, and was brought to Petersburg, Ill., by his father, Cornelius McCarty, in 1837. In March, 1852, he came to Mason Co. He married Miss Anna Beck. P. O. Mason City.

History of Menard and Mason Counties, Illinois, 1879, by Miller and Ruggles
Salt Creek Township
Page 846

JOHN McCARTY, farmer and stock raiser; P.O. Mason City; was born in Clark Co., Ohio, April 19, 1836; came to Menard Co., III., with his parents in the fall of 1838; in 1839, moved to Mason Co., where he now resides; has always followed farming and raising stock; his father and mother moved from North Carolina to Ohio. Mr. McCarty married Anna Josephine Beck November 14, 1867; she was born in Shelby Co., Ohio, March 9, 1847. Mr. McCarty began life with nothing and never had a cent given him; he now owns a fine home and 1,066 acres of land in Salt Creek Township and ten acres inside the corporation of Mason City. Is a Director in the First National Bank of Mason City; was Commissioner of Highways nine years, but declined the honor in 1878. He belongs to Modoc Tribe of Red Men, No. 14. of Mason City. They have two children, Onie Bell, born May 7, 1869, and Ida Dell, born Jan. 10, 1873.

Maintained by Mason County Coordinator Donna Mayer